Woweee, that shadow cannot be unseen and the likes of Com Truise will never been unheard. It feels so great to be finding such quality in the first months of 2011.
Com Truise has a retro-meets outer space feel for his synth with some unreal detuned bits and alarms etc. I'm unsure of everything I'm which makes it even more likable. Based out of Princeton New Jersey Com Truise produces, "Lo-Fi, Mid-Fi, and Sci-Fi", "Synth-Wave, Slow-Motion Funk" He also goes my the Aliases SYSTM, Airliner, and Sarin Sunday.
"Its not about its about the music" and I need more.
Futureworld (WIP) by Com Truise
Colorvision (WIP) by Com Truise
Neon Indian - Sleep Paralysist (Com Truise 'Disorder' Remix) by Com Truise
Be sure to keep an ear to the speaker for his Albums/Eps Space Dust, Cyanide Sisters and Pyragony / Tripyra.
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