Highbloo has been a music fanatic since his childhood, and has been consistently producing a gracious amount of fine music. He attained the inspiration to commit to music soon after seeing Popof in 2008. His dirty dutch, minimal feel has every positive effect, some of the most appreciated music for myself. His recent EP
Time To Change, is truly magnificent. It contains two separate tracks; Track One consists of some hypnotic bangers, whilst Track Two has a bit of a disco/house feel.
Last year he had played at many big festivals around the world, and has attracted many quality artists such as the Crookers, Brodinski, as well as remixing with UK star Will Bailey (Simma Records). Ears are peeled; hoping a pass through Vancouver is in the near future.
Highbloo - My Orkestar Jaimie Fanatic - Losing Control (Highbloo Remix)