After playing records for over ten years and starting his first original productions over 6 years ago, Chase Buch is making some waves with a smooth deep house feel. Very lounge very fun, super smooth. Keep and ear to the ground because there is definitely more to come through the low frequencies from London.
Derived from Guyanese folklore, Massacooraman is a 'huge, hairy, man-like creature that lives in rivers in the interior of Guyana. The massacooramaan allegedly capsizes small boats and eats the occupants.' Maybe Quam's intention is to immerse you in his unique sound, and captivate your interest?
Massacooraman, aka Dave Quam, is definitely one of the more difficult artists to find anything about. He is a Chicago-based writer, photographer, and DJ, and is successfully running a well-known blog called It's After The End of the World. This blog seems to provide his personal interests which explores music that has not become well-recognized, and that which is difficult to come across. Take a listen for yourself and see what he can do for you.
"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine."
With the falling of an hour, it seems as though it has brought about change; undoubtedly the weather, and along with it, the futile attitudes of many people. Each morning has been getting darker, as the delayed sunlight seems to be depriving our motivation to begin our day with ease. Unfortunately, this presents an inconvenience to our productivity, as it casts a pervasive dullness to those around us. Do away with this pessimism, and bask in the endless possibilities of your day.
Consider this thought; Positive anything is better than negative nothing. Everyone has the opportunity to be as great as they please, so SMILE. Accept every obstacle that introduces itself, and remember that the future doesn't matter. It comes one day at a time, so it should not be a destination, more so a means of travel, and experience. Be conscious of your well-being and don't be conditioned by circumstance, let YOU condition it.
Tom Edwards, Matt Benyayer and Carlo Anderson, make up the UK based production and DJ unit "Dark Sky". After having met in music college these gentlemen formed what we know as Dark Sky and appeared on the radar after the 12" debut "Dark Acre". With artist such as Modeslektor and Jamie XX backing and their love of the London electronic scene we are bond to be seeing more from these boys in the future.
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