I 'm not sure what it is about this band but they have the most colorful videos around, that is beside the I-tunes visualizer every Dj in town would like to emulate over a projector to cause our favorite dance floor display of convolutions an drug induced dance moves. Aside from my lack of faith in the majority of technicolored fashionista frenzies, whether self-produced or even more impressive the result of fan art, Metronomy has some of the most tasteful and in my opinion creative videos I've seen to date. So follow the rainbow.
Metronomy - Radio Ladio [Music Video Directed by Daniel Brereton and Edited by Matt Dollings]
I know favorites are cheating but there was a time and a place for this videos and it was called Berlin.
Metronomy - This Could Be Beautiful
To Check Out Some More of Andrea's Painting Video on Youtube just CLICK HERE